Privacy Policy

Thaili Digital Paisa managed by Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited (NIMBL), is committed towards protecting privacy of our customers using policies regarding the collection, usage and disclosure of the information provided by the customer.

user's information required

Quick register

Registering into Thaili as limited User with minimum transaction limit, and/or to access services, you will only need to provide user's mobile number and full name. On this session user transaction is restricted with transaction limit.
If user is enrolled as a FULL KYC User, user needs to fill basic detail, personal detail, location detail and document detail information. Basic and personal detail includes full name, father's name, grandfather's name, spouse's name. Location detail includes date of birth , current and temporary addresses, email address, occupation and information contained Documentation detail includes upload of photos and document with detail. Thaili digital paisa wallet collect, store, process following types of sensitive personal information such as password, financial information (including details of bank account details), and physiological information for providing our products, services via mobile phone and for use of our website. We may also hold information related to your utilization of our services by the use of our mobile app which may include following:

Camara Gallery

This information is used to obtain a locally stored image of the logged in user to upload Profile Picture by Thaili app or web.

Network Privacy

The Thali app connects to a dedicated API to complete transactions services provided within. It uses these permissions to check if there is any connection to Internet as well as to connect to the Internet if not connected.

Read contacts

The application accesses user's phone contacts to select a contact so that the phone number of contact could be populated in the Thaili app using which user can choose to airtime Top up, recharge instead of manually typing phone number.

Information Privacy

The information that we collect from user in order to:
I. Verify user's identity
II. Complete transaction effectively as per your request
III. Communicate about changes to our services
IV. Respond to your queries in relation to service or assistance
V. Protect from unauthorized use of the wallet
VI. Protect against fraud, money laundering, and misuse of account by incorporating necessary identity verification

Data Safety

The application accesses user's photo (documents) for KYC purpose and used only for verification. It also has accesses to user's device id (android id), this is used to identify the specific user and device the user is using during authorization. It also gathers Name, Address, Phone Number, Sexual orientation, email address for KYC verification. It also gathers financial info for secured and reliable payment.

Disclosure Information

Our most concern is to protect users and will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to other party except required by regulator and/or you agree for the disclosure.
We store and manage a log of the activities performed by customer via app or web app by using various Internet techniques such as web cookies, server log files, etc. for analytical purposes and for analysis of the amiability of various features on our site. This information may be used to provide you with a better experience with our platform along with evidentiary purposes.
In case you do not provide your information or consent for usage of personal information or later on withdraw your consent for usage of the personal information so collected, Thaili Digital Paisa reserves the right to not provide the services or to withdraw the services for which the said information was sought.

Updates and Changes to Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy may change according to update required. Any changes on our privacy policy will be revised and the updated date will be posted at the bottom of this page. However, if there is significant change in the policy, we will provide a more prominent notice through SMS, push notifications, email etc. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications time and again.

Terms and condition

Please also visit our Terms and Conditions section establishing the use, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of our website at Terms and Conditions